who we are



Founding Editor
Bob Raymonda is a writer and producer based out of New Rochelle, NY. His work has found its way onto Peach Mag, Syndicated, Luna Luna Magazine, & Yes, Poetry, among others. He co-created the fiction podcasts Windfall and Forgive Me! for his production company, Rogue Dialogue. Learn more at bobraymonda.co.


QM Hall

Q.M. Hall

Q. M. is a transplant to the Natural State of Arkansas. She has edited various literary journals, as well as her beloved Grimm Tales Journal. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Sarah Lawrence and is an alum of the Kettle Pond Writers’ Conference. Her words have appeared in the Scarletleaf Review, Breadcrumbs Magazine, the Grief Diaries, Versification, and more. Read more of her writing at qmhall.com. You can, also, find her on Twitter (@qmhall_).



Social Media & Marketing Editor
James is a tinkerer at heart. He is a graduate of Henderson State University with an Associate of Arts and a Bachelors in Marketing. He spends his free time working on his car, building the occasional motorcycle, or tinkering with tech. You can find him most days uncontrollably twirling his mustache.