Breadcrumb #347
Hurtling through the void, I am bathed in your light. An improbability manifest in a universe composed of vacuum. Cautious, intrigued, I continue my approach, bound to this trajectory. I arrive to find another, another similarly bound, another like me. Our paths cross just close enough for me to feel the tremendous weight of your core, warping the very reality surrounding me and pulling me in closer. Contact.
As we brush our celestial bodies against one another, the vectors of our paths twist. Our dance, our spiral through the expanse begins, your matter entwined in mine. The immense force of this collision rips our being apart, splitting our atoms, mixing, fusing them together, releasing the most brilliant light to have ever graced this darkness. Ripples of this collision expand outward infinite, but infinite our dance is not. Stretch.
“I arrive to find another, another similarly bound, another like me.”
We are torn between two great forces. Our attraction, the force which binds this universe together, infallible in its constant pull, and our momentum, the very thing which brought us together. Grasping out, our pull gives way to our ultimate paths. Eject.
We fling outward, apart back into the unexplored. Continuing the journey as before but forever changed, I in you and you in me.