Breadcrumb #593


Her death surprised me
even though signs 
pointing to that end
were clear enough: 
stage four and yet
never a dimmed spirit.
She was one who lived
with fervor, so much
that she could breathe
excess passion into characters
on a darkened stage
and captivate lives
of audiences beyond
the ordinary rigmarole
of their workaday tedium,
lives needing that 
infusion of extra vigor
she deftly provided.
She was whip smart,
a contemporary whose
savvy and tenacity
turned her into
instant mentor
to any of us in her circle.
She showed me how
the talented surround
themselves with more talent,
magnetic attraction
extending into fulfilling 
life of caring friends, 
continual discoveries.
She introduced me
to the dark acerbic comedian,
long before fame found him,
he who cobbled quite a 
successful career of complaints,
whining about politics
and civil injustices that
comprise our modern lives.
He loved her too.  
She is gone too soon, 
and something sinks inside me,
remembering her smile,
her talent, her generous way
of opening doors to those
younger, greener, needy
and learning their craft.
Her friends became my friends
at a time when the lonely city
overwhelmed, but this 
coterie’s affable welcome
countered and overcame.
We savored and cherished
each others’ successes.
Over years we lost touch,
our once close camaraderie
reduced to niceties on social media,
support distilled to likes and follows.
And now death arrives, 
the ultimate posting,
a one-way trip with no curtain calls,
a sharp blow to the solar plexus,
a seizing up, a sizing up, a silent 
appreciation of her many wonders. 
Slowly, the exodus has begun.
One generation making way 
for another, new means of 
storytelling occupying 
inquisitive young minds. 
At the end, she said 
she found true love.
Amidst the pain of disease
and scheduled sessions of 
agonizing chemical hopefulness,
came the unlikely happy ending 
we as audience all root for. 
Her thoughts shall still find voice
from stage and page, but her life
was the truest inspiration.
I stand here removed,
and applaud loudly, hoping
she hears the heartfelt roar,
beyond the spotlight 
her sweet life commanded,
to this new home 
in oblivion’s darkened wings.

• • •

Breadcrumb #425


When life gives you lemons,

You make what now?

Barefoot wanderers that play guitar and know where to find secret waterfalls?

Fermented, albino monsters hiding under the beds of traumatized children whose parents take them for granted?

What spells lemonade these days?

I’ve poured the cheap packets more times than I can count

I even got one of those fancy carafes

to make them feel like this was some real Southern hospitality shit

While I poured for them, the Monkey whispered in my ear

“Give them what they want. Use your gifts.”

His beard tickled me there

The guests thought that I was smiling for them

I was bending myself inside out for their consideration

I showed them all that I had, am, will ever be

Every single creation inside me

That was ever worth being seen

Mesmerized, they dabbed their lips

Said, “Very nice. Very nice indeed. Quite the experience. But,”

Where was the Monkey when I needed him?

Dabbed their lips again

“This isn’t what we ordered.”

I checked the powdery suspension

Tilted my head at the curious error

Where did I go wrong?

My lemonade was fresh, full of zest

Nothing like they’ve ever had

As pink as the Monkey’s tongue

that first whispered confidence

Before it turned sour

• • •